Review these different articles to help you customize your application.
CloseHow to change the color of the Buttons
If the default color of the font doesn't work for your background, you can select a different color from the palette of color. Access that screen from the Parameter page of the Application. This is from the Parameter wheel from the home page.
CloseHow to hide the settings menu
Once you have configured the settings from the home page, you can go to the setup page of the application and hide the settings icon. This will prevent any change to your application settings.
CloseHow to clean my database
If your visitor database becomes too large, or you have already extracted all the information that you need, you can select the "clear database" option from the settings menu. This will permanently delete all data from your visitors. You cannot recover them.
CloseHow to send Email notification
If you want to notify the host of the arrival of your visitor, you can activate free of charge the option from the application option menu. This will present an email template after the capture of the picture (or just after the visitor information if the picture step has been suppressed). The visitor can then simply add any comments, or push the send button to notify of his arrival. If you want that notification to be silently sent in the background, you can purchase the option. When the visitor registers, the App will contact the Maitre D4U server and pass the information for the email to be sent from that relay. Internet connectivity will be required by the iPad for that feature.
CloseHow to remove Advertisements
If you like this App and you would like to use it without the Ad Banner, you can simply de-activate the banner from the setup screen. This is an in-App purchase option.
CloseAdd a Disclaimer or HSE acknowledgement set in your Sign IN process
You can activate this option and force your visitor to acknowledge your safety guidelines, evacuation information or disclaimer. This is very simple, use one of your saved picture from your pictures library of your iPad. Select that picture in the application settings (same screen as the purchase option) and that image will be used as a background to the acknowledgement step during sign in. For your convenience, here are a few Photoshop templates to design your HSE/Disclaimer image.
CloseHow to deactivate picture capture
In some cases you may not want to capture a picture of your visitors or a photo of their Driver's License. You can easily deactivate that feature from the Setup screen.
CloseHow to increase security
If you have an evacuation, you can easily grab your iPad and check rapidly how many visitors are in your facility, no need to have to scan through your paper log, find out who has not already signed out. With the SelfRegister app, simply look at who should be checking out that day. It means they were still inside the facility.
CloseHow to save time
Streamline your reception area. Remove that paper handbook log.
- Visitors information accuracy is increased when digitally captured.
- Visitors information quality is improved when pictures are taken.
Deploy multiple synchronized iPad stations to reduce check in time.
Let us know if the synchronization of iPads is a feature you need
CloseHow to synchronize multiple devices
Your facility has multiple entries for your visitors or the number of visitors justifies the deployment of multiple iPads to capture your visitors' information. We can synchronize them together. You can use either your existing Sharepoint site to record your Visitors list or follow these steps to provision a new Sharepoint site on one of the cloud provider. The steps are described on the Apps4Rent platform which we currently use and have a material connection with.
To receive a notification as soon as this feature is available, please email us at
CloseHow to setup your Logo
You can customize the application and display your own logo. Simply go to the setup screen and select your logo. Optimum size is 450x240pix
CloseHow to setup your own Background
Customize your application. Not only you can set your logo, but you can change the background of the screens. Use one of the picture from your iPad photo library.
CloseSetup Badge Printing
To setup printing, simply purchase the option from the Settings screen. Then use any AirPrint Label Printer to print your stickers for your visitors. Here are a few Label Printers which have been tested with Visitor Log Book. The communication between the iPad and the Label Printer is done via the Apple AirPrint protocol. Therefore make sure that the printer that you select and want to use is compatible with AirPrint over Wifi. Here are some model which we have tested with their supply reference.
CloseActivate the SignOUT Questions step
Go to the application parameters screen and purchase the InApp option "Enable Questions at Sign OUT step". Then go in the Application Settings screen to configure your Questions (up to 3). You can decide if you want to make them mandatory. You can also decide if you want to display them in sequence (if the previous has been answered yes), or in block.
![Purchase the InApp Purchase option to Activate Sign OUT questions.](/media/FAQSignOUTQuestionInApp.jpg)
Visitor Log Book Settings Page:
![Configure the Options and Questions you want to display at SignOUT step](/media/FAQSignOUTSettings.jpg)
Example of Sign OUT screen with 3 questions:
CloseActivate the SignIN Questions step
Go to the application parameters screen and purchase the InApp option "Enable Questions at Sign IN step". Then go in the Application Settings screen to configure your Questions (up to 3). You can decide if you want to make them mandatory. You can also decide if you want to display them in sequence (if the previous has been answered yes), or in block.
![Purchase the InApp Purchase option to Activate Sign IN questions.](/media/FAQSignINQuestionInApp.jpg)
Visitor Log Book Settings Page:
![Configure the Options and Questions you want to display at SignIN step](/media/FAQSignINSettings.jpg)
Example of Sign IN screen with 3 questions: